• A Simple Jig

The right angle jig, that is used through out the book, is not only the one jig in the shop that I use most often but also the easiest to build.

A right angle jig can serve as an extra hand to help steady cabinet pieces while pocket screwing

A right angle jig can serve as an extra hand to help steady cabinet pieces while pocket screwing


The Jig on the right was built around 10 years ago. Two pieces of wood pocket screwed together with a scrap of 1/4-in. mdf to keep the 90 deg angle and add strength. At the time I was just looking for a quick clamp aide for building boxes. Since then I’ve found that it’s hands down the most used building jig in the shop.

The RA jig holds a piece upright so that the mating piece can be face clamped to it.

The RA jig holds a piece upright so that the mating piece can be face clamped to it.


This allows you to see both sides of the work when screwing. Also I like the downward pressure on the screw gun when driving pocket screws compared to pushing into the screw if the work is clamped flat to a surface.


The Jig on the left is one I built last year. I was trying to improve on the design and add in a little feature that allows drilling pocket screws when the screw hole lands on the face that is against the right angle jig. I first noticed the need when assembling the blanket bench.

Notice how the jig has to be pushed out of the way of the pocket hole so that the screw can be driven.

Notice how the jig has to be pushed out of the way of the pocket hole so that the screw can be driven.

The fancy RA jig has a area that is milled out to allow screws to be driven with clamp pressure directly across from the screw.

The fancy RA jig has a area that is milled out to allow screws to be driven with clamp pressure directly across from the screw.


Sometimes pocket screw holes land on the wrong side for the RA jig to be helpful, in these instances the improved RA jig makes it easy.


I usually just reach for my original jig as I’ve found the times when the RA jig and screw holes collide are rare.

Its a kickstand for your cabinet parts!

Its a kickstand for your cabinet parts!

The RA jig is clamped to a dresser drawer divider to help support the dresser side during assembly.

The RA jig is clamped to a dresser drawer divider to help support the dresser side during assembly.


This is my original idea behind the jig, something to hold up cabinet parts while you put on clamps.

This is my original idea behind the jig, something to hold up cabinet parts while you put on clamps.


Before you start any of the projects in the book take a minute to make yourself a right angle jig. Its a simple construction aide that will wiggle its way into your day to day building routine.